Use AI with Peace of Mind
In the Classroom

Having the ability to monitor and view usage through the AI DEFEND web portal gives the peace of mind knowing that we can stay on top of any potential misuse of an AI system.

Teachers and Administrators have the ability to enable/disable use of the AI portal for students by selecting or uploading email lists.

Students will not need a cell phone to authenticate their school account.

Teachers can organize their own student lists for easy moderation.

Don't Close the Window

Being able to track and analyze usage patterns can help us optimize our resources and make informed decisions about future needs and adjustments. The AI DEFEND web portal provides us with a powerful tool to proactively manage our usage and ensure that we are always operating efficiently.

AI DEFEND licensing is easy. $2.50 per license per year. One license is one Gmail Account. It doesn't matter whether it is a student or staff member. We accept credit cards and purchase orders. Want to skip the demo and buy now? Email

Jump On Board Today!

Please fill out the form below to request a Demo Account. The Demo will create a teacher account for you to access and test the system.

Support or Questions?

AI DEFEND is easy to contact! Email us at All email communications will be received and replied to after 4pm EST.